Replication Server updates the replicate data stored in databases by submitting requests to data servers. Support for Adaptive Server is provided with Replication Server. If your database is managed by a data server other than Adaptive Server, you must provide an interface for Replication Server to use.
This interface includes:
Sybase Enterprise Connect™ Data Access (ECDA) or ExpressConnect for Oracle to receive instructions from Replication Server and apply them to the data server.
A maintenance account that Replication Server can use to log in to the gateway (for example ECDA).
A function-string class to use with the database. The function strings in the class tell Replication Server how to format requests for the data server.
An error class and error action assignments to handle errors the data server returns to Replication Server via the gateway.
An rs_lastcommit table in each database that has replicated data. Replication Server uses this table to keep track of the transactions that have been successfully committed in the database.
An rs_get_lastcommit function call to retrieve the last transaction from each source primary database.
Sybase offers several Open Server gateway application products that you can use to access non-Sybase database servers for a replicate database.
The non-ASE data server support design of Replication Server provides several components of this interface for actively supported database servers. The design provides function string classes, error classes and error actions, user defined datatypes, and connection profiles to create the necessary tables and procedures in the replicate database.
See the Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 1 and the Replication Server Configuration Guide for your platform for more information about the non-ASE support feature. See the Replication Server Heterogeneous Replication Guide and the Replication Server Options documentation for the databases actively supported by Replication Server.