Execute create subscription with the without materialization clause at the Replication Server managing the replicate database to create a subscription that does not initialize the subscription data.
create subscription subscription for {table_rep_def | function_rep_def | publication pub | database replication definition db_repdef with primary at server_name.db } with replicate at server_name.db [where search_conditions] without materialization [subscribe to truncate table]
where subscription is the name of the subscription to create, table_rep_def is the name of the table replication definition the subscription is for, function_rep_def is the name of the function replication definition the subscription is for, pub is the name of the publication the subscription is for, db_repdef is the name of the database replication definition the subscription is for, and server_name.db identifies the primary or replicate database.
The without materialization clause activates the subscription without first initializing the subscription data. Use create subscription with the without materialization clause when there is no activity at the primary database and the data already exists in the replicate database.