Learn what you can alter in a replication definition.
can alter the replication definition in one of the following ways:
Providing a different replicate
table name
Add columns to the columns list
Provide different replicate column names
Change the specifications for replicating text, unitext, image,
or rawobject columns
Add columns to the primary keys column list
Remove columns from the primary keys column list
columns to the searchable columns list
Drop columns from a replication definition
Drop columns from the searchable columns list
Change declared or published column datatypes
Change the specification for replicating minimal
Change how the replication definition is used in
replicating to a standby database
Note: Function
strings with replication definition scope are not automatically altered
when you add columns to a table or to a replication definition.
In certain cases, you must alter the function strings manually.
See Replication Server
Administration Guide Volume 2 > Customize Database Operations > Manage Function Strings.
alter replication definition at the
primary Replication Server where you created the replication definition,
or use
rs_send_repserver_cmd at
the primary database to send the alter replication definition request.
The information you can alter in a replication definition is similar to what you provide when you create replication definitions.
To rename primary or replicate
tables, drop and re-create the replication definition.
To drop or rename primary columns or change column
datatypes, drop and re-create all the replication definitions that
have the primary columns and follow the replication definition change request process .
See Replication Server Reference
Manual > Replication
Server Commands > alter replication definition.