There are restrictions that apply when you have multiple replication definitions for the same primary table.
A replicate database can subscribe to multiple replication definitions. However, a replicate table can subscribe to only one replication definition of a particular primary table.
A pre-version 12.0 Replication Server may not subscribe to replication definitions that either declare columns with User-Defined Datatypes or employ column-level translations.
Different replication definitions created for the same primary table must use the same column datatype (unless the datatype is rawobject or rawobject in row) and, for text, unitext, image, and rawobject columns, the same null or not null status and the same replication status.
You cannot create multiple replication definitions for a single primary stored procedure.
Multiple replication definitions for one primary table are only supported in Replication Server version 11.5 and later; however, one replication definition can be marked and propagated to a Replication Server of a previous version, if compatible; that is, has the same primary and replicate table names, same primary and replicate column names, and does not include table owner name.