configuring security services, you must activate network-based security for
the Replication Server using the configure replication
server command.
- Log in to Replication Server
and enter:
configure replication server
set use_security_services to 'on'
- Shut down Replication Server.
- Restart Replication
Server by executing the repserver command or
the Replication Server run file.
If you are
using the DCE security mechanism, make sure you include the -K flag
to specify the key table file location.
If you are using the Kerberos security mechanism,
the key table location must be specified by the KRB5_KTNAME
environment variable (UNIX) or the key table registry key entry
(Windows 2000 or 2003).
Refer to the Replication Server Reference Manual for
syntax and other information about the repserver command.