Use Sybase Central or alter connection to change
the attributes of a database connection at the Replication Server where the connection
was created.
If you use alter connection, you must suspend and resume the connection for the changes to take effect.
Use suspend
connection to suspend activity on the connection.
Execute the alter connection command with the relevant parameters.
Note: Using the set log transfer off clause
for the alter connection command drops the RepAgent
connection from a primary site. Before using this clause, be sure
there are no replication definitions defined for data in the database.
Use resume connection to resume
activity on the connection.
Suspend Database Connections
You must suspend a database connection before you alter it or when you remove a data server from service for maintenance.
Resume Database Connections
After you have changed the attributes of a database connection, you can resume activity on the connection either in Sybase Central or by using the resume connection command.
Changing Replicate Databases to Primary Databases
Each primary database must have a Replication Agent that scans the database log and transfers data to the Replication Server for distribution to replicate databases. If you want to change an Adaptive Server database that is designated as replicate-only to be a source of replicated functions or to contain primary data, you must enable the RepAgent thread for the database.