Use the using profile clause with create connection to specify one of the connection profiles installed with Replication Server for your non-ASE database.
The using profile clause uses predefined information in the connection profile you specify, to configure the connection between Replication Server and a non-Adaptive Server database, and, if needed, to modify the RSSD and the named data_server.database
Since the connection profile specifies the function string class, error class, and class-level translations, you do not need to specify the corresponding clauses in the create connection command for non-ASE databases. Use version to specify the particular version of the connection profile you want to use.
create connection to oracle_db.ORACLE_DS using profile rs_ase_to_oracle;eco set username to ora_maint set password to ora_maint_pwd
Use the admin show_connection_profiles command to list the connection profile name, version, and comments for each profile defined in Replication Server, and use the match_string option to display only the connection profiles whose names contain the string you provide in the option.
admin show_connection_profiles[, “match_string”]
See Replication Server Reference Manual > Replication Server Commands > create connection using profile.
See Replication Server Heterogeneous Replication Guide > Heterogeneous Warm Standby for Oracle > Setting Up Warm Standby Databases > Creating Connection to the Standby Database.