Each section in the sample output of RepAgent counter activity from sp_sysmon describes a different activity.
Log Scan Summary
RepAgent scans all records in the transaction log, but not
all scanned records need to be processed and sent to Replication
Server. For example, RepAgent does not send records generated by
data manipulation language (DML) on tables not marked for replication.
Log Scan Summary reports the number of log
- RepAgent has scanned
- RepAgent has processed
and sent to Replication Server
Log Scan Activity
Log Scan Activity provides information about the different kinds
of log records processed by RepAgent and sent to the Replication
Log Scan Activity reports the number of:
- Rows affected
by update statements
- Rows affected by insert statements
- Rows affected by delete statements
- Stored procedure executions
- Log records containing DDL to be replicated
- Log records processed generated by a WriteText command
- DML log records processed for a table with text, unitext,
or image data
- Compensation log records (CLRs), which are generated
when a transaction is partially or fully rolled back
- Checkpoint log records indicate that there was an
active transaction at the time this log record was written.
Transaction Activity
Transaction Activity reports the
number of transactions :
- Opened in the primary
- Committed
- Aborted
- Found in prepare state
- Opened by the maintenance user
Log Extension Wait
During normal processing, RepAgent reaches the end of the
transaction log. It then waits until further activity resumes in
the primary database.
Log Extension Wait reports:
- The number of times RepAgent waited
for extensions to the transaction log
- The total amount of time, in milliseconds (ms),
that RepAgent waited for log extensions
- The longest amount of time, in ms, that RepAgent
waited for log extensions
- The average amount of time, in ms, that RepAgent
waited for log extensions
Schema Cache
When the structure of an object marked for replication is
modified—by alter table, for example—Adaptive
Server must log special records in the transaction log that later
on will help RepAgent identify the correct schema for the object.
Schema Cache reports schema activity and RepAgent activity scanning forward
and backward in the transaction log looking for object schema changes.
Truncation Point Movement
Truncation Point Movement reports:
- The number of times
RepAgent moved the secondary truncation point
- The number of times RepAgent asked Replication Server
for a new truncation point
Connections to Replication Server
Connections to Replication Server reports:
- The number of successful
connections to Replication Server
- The number of unsuccessful connections to Replication
Network Packet Information
Network Packet Information reports:
- The number of packets
sent to Replication Server
- The number of full packets sent to Replication Server
- The largest packet sent to Replication Server
- The number of bytes sent to Replication Server
- The average packet size
I/O Wait from Replication Server
After RepAgent generates LTL, RepAgent sends it to Replication
Server. To do this, it uses Open Client capabilities.
I/O Wait from Replication Server
- The number of times RepAgent has sent
a batch to Replication Server
- The total amount of time, in ms, that RepAgent has
spent processing results from Replication Server
- The longest elapsed time, in ms, that RepAgent has
spent processing results from Replication Server
- The average elapsed time, in ms, that RepAgent has
spent processing results from Replication Server