The Replication Manager plug-in provides online help for performing specific tasks through Sybase Central.
Topic help describes how to use Sybase Central to manage your replication system. To display topic-level help, select Help from the Sybase Central main menu, then select Replication Manager Online Help.
The Replication Manager help browser opens with two panes. The left pane displays the table of contents, and the right pane displays contents of the selected topic.
Book icons represent headings. Double-click a book icon to see the sub entries under that heading. Sub entries can be other book icons or page icons.
Topic headings are organized around Replication Server concepts (for example, Managing Users, Managing Database Connections, and others) for easy reference.
Page icons represent topics that describe tasks, or concepts that correspond to the heading under which they are listed. Topics are generally organized in the order that you would perform procedures under that heading. Double-click a page icon to display a topic.
Tooltips are small pop-up windows that provide a description of a control (that is, a toolbar button or menu option) when a pointer is moved over that control.
The status bar is an information display bar located at the bottom of the application window. In Sybase Central, the status bar displays a brief description of the menu command at which the cursor is currently pointed. The help line appears on the left side of the status bar.