Adaptive Server or other data servers in a replication system, manage databases containing either primary or replicate data.
Client applications use Adaptive Server to store and retrieve data and to process transactions and queries.
Each Replication Server requires an Adaptive Server database for its Replication Server System Database (RSSD) or an SQL Anywhere database for its Embedded Replication Server System Database (ERSSD), which contains the Replication Server system tables.
Replication Server also supports non-ASE data servers through an open interface. You can use any system for storing data if it supports a set of required basic data operations and transaction processing directives. For data servers that contain primary databases, you must use a compatible Replication Agent program and Sybase Enterprise Connectâ„¢ Data Access (ECDA) component.
Actively supported data servers are data servers for which Sybase provides all the required software, documentation, and support for the data servers to serve as both a primary or a replicate data server.
See the Replication Agent Release Bulletin for the list of actively supported non-ASE data servers and see the Replication Server Heterogeneous Replication Guide for details on heterogeneous data server support.