There are several conditions
that must be met before a warm standby or multisite availability (MSA) system can use
target-scope function strings.
- If an MSA system subscribes to a replication definition of a table or stored
procedure, Replication Server uses the function string of the replication
definition, which can be a default function string or a customized function
- If an MSA system does not subscribe to any replication definition of a table or
stored procedure, Replication Server uses the function string of a replication
definition for the target object if the replication definition is marked with
the send standby all or send standby replication
definition columns clauses.
- A warm standby system uses the function string of a replication definition if
you have marked the replication definition with the send standby
replication definition columns clause.
If none of the conditions are met, the warm standby or MSA system uses the
target-scope function string for the replicate or standby table or stored procedure,
if there is one.