Use the rs_helppub stored procedure at either the primary or replicate Replication Server RSSD to display information about a publication and its articles.
The display output includes publication name, status, the primary Replication Server and database names, the number of articles, and the date of the latest change to the publication.
rs_helppub publication_name, primary_dataserver, primary_db
The display output includes the above information and the names of associated articles, replication definitions, and primary and replicate tables. If subscriptions have been created for the publication, the display includes names of the subscriptions, replicate databases, owners, and the date of the latest change to the subscription.
rs_helppub publication_name, primary_dataserver, primary_db, article_name
The output display includes the name of the publication to which the article belongs, associated replication definitions, status information, and where clauses and subscriptions, if any.
See Replication Server Reference Manual > Replication Server Commands > rs_helppub.