Use sp_help_rep_agent at Adaptive Server to monitor the RepAgent.
Recovery – status and other information when you are restoring a database.
Configuration parameters – the current settings for RepAgent configuration parameters for both single and multiple replication paths.
Process – information about the RepAgent process, including state, sleep status, number of unsuccessful connection retries (if any), and the number of the last error message, for both single and multiple replication paths.
Scanned transactions – information about the current batch of log transactions: start, end, and current markers; the number of records in the batch; and the oldest transaction.
Security – the current settings of the network-based security mechanism.
All – all of the above information.
sp_help_rep_agent [dbname[, 'recovery' | 'config' | 'process' | 'send' | 'scan' | 'security' | 'all']]
dbname is the name of the database for which the RepAgent is enabled.
See Replication Server Reference Manual > Adaptive Server Commands and System Procedures for detailed syntax, usage information, and example output for sp_help_rep_agent.