Alter a Function Replication Definition
Similar to table replication definitions, when you alter a function replication definition, Replication Server may create a new function replication definition version.
Modify a Function Replication Definition
Use alter applied function replication definition and alter request function replication definition to alter the function replication definition to add new parameters, add new searchable parameters, or change the name of the destination stored procedure.
Drop a Function Replication Definition
Use drop function replication definition to drop a function replication definition before you recreate it, in order to change or remove parameters, or to rename a function replication definition.
Create or Modify a Function String for a Replicated Function
When you create or alter a function replication definition, Replication Server automatically creates or alters the corresponding user-defined function. You must, however, create a function string for the user-defined function if you are not using a class that inherits function strings from rs_default_function_class, either directly or indirectly.