Under certain conditions, text, unitext, image, or rawobject column data may be missing in a replicate table as a result of row migration.
Row migration occurs in a subscription that has a where clause. Updating a column specified in the where clause can cause a row to become valid for, or migrate into, the subscription. When this happens, Replication Server executes an insert in the replicate table. To insert a complete row, each insert would require values for all columns, including text, unitext, image, and rawobject columns that did not change in the primary table.
If your application allows rows to migrate into a subscription and you have set any text, unitext, image, or rawobject columns to the replicate_if_changed replication status, Replication Server displays a warning message in the error log. The message states that a row has migrated into the subscription but that its text, unitext, image, or rawobject data is missing.
If a text, unitext, image, or rawobject column with the replicate_if_changed status was not changed in an update operation at the primary table, and the update causes the row to migrate into a subscription, the inserted row at the replicate table will be missing the text, unitext, image, or rawobject data. Run the rs_subcmp program to reconcile the data in the replicate and primary tables.