Replication Server® replicates data in a distributed
database system. Learn the benefits and features of Replication
Server, methods and concepts for replicating data, as well as defining
user roles in maintaining a replication system.
About Replication Server
Replication Server maintains replicated data in multiple databases while ensuring the integrity and consistency of the data. It provides clients using databases in the replication system with local data access, thereby reducing load on the network and centralized computer systems.
Replication Server and Distributed Database Systems
Distributed database systems allow client applications to access data on multiple database servers throughout an enterprise—even geographically dispersed enterprises.
Warm Standby Applications
Use Warm standby applications to maintain a set of databases, one or more of which functions as standby copies of an active database.
Mixed-Version Replication Systems
A replication system can include Replication Servers or Adaptive Servers of different versions. Each system presents different issues.
Replication System Security
Replication Server provides careful management of the login names, passwords, and permissions that are essential for system security. In addition, Replication Server supports third-party security mechanisms that safeguard data transmission across the network.
Replication Server Roles and Responsibilities
Administering the replication system is primarily the role of the replication system administrator. The database administrator plays a subsidiary role by supporting some Replication Server administration tasks. At some sites, role distinctions may not be clear-cut and some responsibilities can overlap.
Created May 23, 2012. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: