You can verify how translations alter values before you set up column- or class-level translations. Use the admin translate command to view the results of a particular translation. admin translate accepts a value and a source and target datatype and returns the target value. It is most useful with the diagnostic version of Replication Server, which, if the translation fails, allows you to trace the reason for the failure.
The syntax is:
admin translate, value, source_datatype, target_datatype
value is the literal representation of the value being translated—including delimiters as required by the base datatype of the source datatype.
source_datatype is the datatype definition or datatype for the value you want to translate.
target_datatype is the datatype definition or datatype for the value after translation.
If the base datatype of either the source or target datatype requires a length specification, such as char(26), enclose the datatype name in quotes.
For example, to verify the translation of a date from db2_date to datetime, log in to Replication Server and enter:
admin translate, ’04/29/1989’, db2_date, datetime
In this example, value is the character string “04/29/1989,” and you must enclose it in single quotes. Refer to the Replication Server Reference Manual for a complete description of admin translate and further examples.