Changing column replication status

If the primary database supports the rs_send_repserver_cmd stored procedure database, you can change the replication status of a text, unitext, image, or rawobject column in the primary database by:

  1. Using sp_setrepcol to change the replication status of the column. For example:

    sp_setrepcol authors, au_pix, replicate_if_changed
  2. Using rs_send_repserver_cmd to execute an alter replication definition request to change the replication status. For example:

    exec rs_send_repserver_cmd ‘alter replication definition authors replicate_if_changed au_pix’

If the primary database does not support rs_send_repserver_cmd, or if there are no data rows for the table in the database log:

  1. Use sp_setrepcol to change the status of the column in the database to the new replication status.

  2. Use alter replication definition to change the status of the column to the new replication status.