Replication Server replicates large objects such as text and image to non-ASE servers by passing a writetext command to ECDA, where it is converted to an update statement. The writetext command include large-object pointers that an update statement uses to search and propagate the replicate database. Most data servers have their own unique implementation of updating large objects. Therefore, large-object replication to these servers can become slow and inefficient, often requiring a full table scan of the replicate database for a single update.
Replication Server provides an option to include primary keys with writetext commands sent to ECDA. With the primary keys, ECDA can create update statements that can efficiently search and replicate the replicate database.
Replication Server introduces the Data Server Interface (DSI) configuration parameter dsi_alt_writetext. You can use the dsi_alt_writetext to instruct the Replication Server to include a text pointer or a set of primary keys with the writetext command.
You need a version of ECDA 15.0 ESD #2 to use
this feature.
See the Replication Server Reference Manual for more information.