Examples of creating direct and indirect routes

You need to create the direct routes from the primary Replication Server to the intermediate Replication Server and from the intermediate Replication Server to the destination Replication Server before you can create an indirect route.

The following examples are based upon Figure 6-2.

  1. To create the direct route NY_RS to SF_RS in Figure 6-2, enter this command in the primary Replication Server, NY_RS:

    create route to SF_RS
    set username SF_rsi_user
    set password SF_rsi_ps
  2. To create the direct routes SF_RS to SAC_RS and SF_RS to SJ_RS in Figure 6-2, enter these commands in the intermediate Replication Server, SF_RS:

    create route to SAC_RS
    set username SAC_rsi_user
    set password SAC_rsi_ps
    create route to SJ_RS
    set username SJ_rsi_user
    set password SJ_rsi_ps
  3. After these direct routes are created, you can create indirect routes through them. The following example creates the indirect routes from the primary site NY_RS to sites SAC_RS and SJ_RS, through the intermediate site, SF_RS. Enter these commands in the primary Replication Server, NY_RS:

    create route to SAC_RS
    set next site SF_RS
    create route to SJ_RS
    set next site SF_RS