Viewing RepAgent thread information

To view the RepAgent thread status on Adaptive Server, execute sp_who. In the display output, Adaptive Server shows the RepAgent information in rows with “REP AGENT” in the “cmd” column.

For example, sp_who might display this row for RepAgent:

fid spid status loginame origname hostname blk_spid dbname  cmd   block_xloid
0   23 background NULL    NULL       0         pubs2      REP AGENT   0

See the Adaptive Server Enterprise Reference Manual for detailed syntax and usage information for sp_who.

To view RepAgent thread user status on Replication Server, execute admin who. Replication Server displays RepAgent thread user information in rows with “REP AGENT” in the “name” column.

For more information about admin who and output examples, refer to Chapter 3, “Replication Server Commands,” in the Replication Server Reference Manual.