The primary key is the column or combination of columns that uniquely identifies each row. Although many data servers, including Adaptive Server, allow tables that contain duplicate rows, Replication Server requires that the source and destination tables have unique values for the primary key columns in each row.
You must include the primary key clause in create replication definition to identify the primary key columns in the source table. Primary key columns must also be included in the column list.
When Replication Server applies the default rs_update or rs_delete function string at a destination site, it specifies values for the primary key in the where clause of the update or delete statement.
Enclose the names of the primary key columns in parentheses. For example:
create replication definition publishers with primary at TOKYO_DS.pubs2 (pub_id char(4), pub_name varchar(40), city varchar(20), state char(2)) primary key (pub_id)
For multiple primary key columns, separate each column from the next with a comma.
You cannot include columns of datatypes, text, unitext, image, rawobject, rawobject
in row or rs_address as
part of the primary key.