Updates the route version to the site version of the lower of the primary or replicate Replication Server.
Upgrading a route rematerializes the data in system tables and makes information associated with new features available to a newly upgraded Replication Server.
sysadmin fast_route_upgrade, TOKYO_RS
sysadmin fast_route_upgrade, SYDNEY_RS
Whenever Replication Servers at both ends of a route have been upgraded and site versions set to 11.5 or later, you must upgrade each route that connects the two servers to enable new features to flow through it. Issue this command at the source Replication Server to update the route version.
Use sysadmin fast_route_upgrade to upgrade the route if new features have not been used at the source Replication Server.
If you have used new features at the source Replication Server, the command is rejected and you must upgrade the route using Replication Manager (RM).