drop article

Drops an article and optionally drops its replication definition.


drop article article_name
for pub_name
with primary at data_server.database




  • Use drop article to remove an article from a publication. Execute drop article at the Replication Server that manages the database where the primary data is stored.

  • You can drop an article if there are no subscriptions for the article. Drop subscriptions first, as necessary.

  • Optionally, you can also drop the replication definition for the article, if it is not part of any other article and has no subscriptions.

  • A dropped article is removed at the replicate site only when create/define subscription is executed there.

Dropping Articles from a Publication with a Subscription

  • If you drop an article from an existing publication, the publication is invalidated. You must drop all existing article subscriptions using drop subscription for article before the article can be dropped. To create new publication subscriptions you must:
    • Validate the publication when you have completed making changes to the publication, then

    See create subscription and define subscription for more information on the two methods of refreshing publication subscriptions.


drop article requires “create object” permission.

Related reference
check subscription
create article
create publication
create subscription
define subscription
drop function replication definition
drop publication
drop replication definition
drop subscription