alter queue

Specifies the behavior of the stable queue that encounters a large message that is greater than 16K bytes. Applicable only when the Replication Server version is 12.5 or later and the Replication Server site version is 12.1 or earlier.


alter queue, q_number, q_type,
      set sqm_xact_with_large_msg [to] 	{skip | shutdown}
     set sqm_cache_enable to “on | off”
      set sqm_page_size to “numblocks"
      set sqm_cache_size to "numpages"




  • If you make changes to the sqm_cache_enable, sqm_page_size, and sqm_cache_size parameters, restart the server for the changes to take effect.

  • alter queue fails if the site version is 12.5 or later.


alter queue requires "sa" permission.

Related reference
alter route
resume queue
resume route