Learn about Replication Server reserved words.
The words in Replication Server reserved words table are reserved Replication Server keywords. Although the words are shown in lowercase, Replication Server is not case-sensitive. Therefore, all combinations of uppercase and lowercase letters are reserved. Replication Server also reserves all keywords and identifiers beginning with “rs_”.
Words |
A |
abort, _aco, action, activate, active, add, _add_recov_pending, admin, _af, after, all, allow, alter, always_rep, always_replicate, _alt_attr2, _alter_attributes2, _alter_col_objid, and, _ap, _apd, article, articles, _apd, append, applied, _ar, _arp, article, articles, as, assign, at |
B |
before, begin, _bf, _bg |
C |
changed, _ch, check, ci, class, _cm, columns, commit, configure, connect, connection, connections, connector, controller, create |
D |
database, datarow, dataserver, ddl, debug, define, definition, deletelen, deliver, description, disconnect, display_only, distribute, distribution, distributor, _dln, _dr, drop, drop_repdef, _ds, dsi_suspended, dump, dynamic |
E |
enable, error, exec, execute, expand |
F | _fi, first, for, from, function, functions |
G | get, grant |
H | _ha, hastext, holdlock |
I | ignore, in, incrementally, init, installjava, internal_use_only, into, _instj, _isb, _isbinary |
J | _jar |
K | key |
L | language, large, last, load, log, logical, loss |
M | maintenance, map, marker, materialization, message, _mbf, min_before, min_row, minimal, move, _mr |
N | name, named, _ne, never_rep, new, next, no, no_password, none, not, notrep, nowait, npw, _nr, _nu, null, nullable |
O | of, off, offset, on, only, open_xact, or, _os, osid, output, overwrite, owner |
P | parameters, parent, partialupd, partition, passthru, password, primary, procedure, procedures, profile, _pu, public, publication, purge |
Q | queue, queues, quoted |
R | _rar, rebuild, reconfigure, recover, recovery, references, reject, remove, _rename_phystable_name, _reorder_columns, repfunc, replay, rep_if_changed, replicate, replicate_if_changed, replication, request, _resetq, _resetqueue, resetqueue, resume, resync, retry, revoke, _rc, _rf, _rl, _roc, rollback, route, row, rpc, _rpn, _rs_alterrepdef, rs_rcl, rs_ticket, _rsc, rsrpc |
S | scan, schedule, searchable, segment, select, send, sendallxacts, seq, server, set, shutdown, site, size, skip, source, sql, sqlddl, sqldml, _st, standby, starting, status, stdb, string, subscribe, subscription, suspend, suspension, switch, sys_sp, sysadmin, system |
T | table, tables, template, textcol, textlen, _tl, _tn, to, _tp, tpinit, tpnull, _tr, trace, tran, transaction, transactions, transfer, truncate, truncation, twosave |
U | _up, unsigned, update, use, user, username, using |
V | validate, verify, verify_repserver_cmd, vers |
W | wait, warmstdb, _wh, where, with, without, withouttp, _wo, writetext |
Y | _yd, yielding |
Z | _zl, zerolen |