Deletes a range of transactions identified by transaction ID in the exceptions log in the rs_exceptscmd, rs_exceptshdr, and rs_systext system tables.
rs_delexception 1234
rs_delexception 1234, 9800
If you do not specify any parameter, rs_delexception_id displays an error message. Use rs_helpexception or rs_delexception with no parameters to obtain a current list of valid transactions in the exceptions log.
If you specify a single valid value for a transaction ID in transaction_id_start, and do not specify a second transaction ID number in transaction_id_end, rs_delexception_id deletes only the transaction you specify in transaction_id_start.
If you enter 0 (zero) as a transaction ID number and do not enter a second transaction ID number, rs_delexception_id deletes all transactions in the exceptions log.