Changes the active database in a warm standby application.
switch active for logical_ds.logical_db to data_server.database [with suspension]
The logical data server name for the logical connection.
The logical database name for the logical connection.
The data server name of the new active database for the logical connection.
The database name of the new active database for the logical connection.
Suspends the DSI connection to the new active database after the switch is complete.
This command starts the switch active process:
switch active for LDS.pubs2 to OSAKA.pubs2
Switch of the active for this logical database is in progress.
switch active is a part of the procedure for switching to the standby database in a warm standby application. See the Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 2 for the complete procedure.
switch active returns immediately, but the switch is not complete until admin logical_status displays “None” in the State of Operation in Progress.
Use admin logical_status to monitor the status of the switch active process.
If you use the with suspension option, you must manually resume the DSI connection to the new active database after the switch is complete.
After entering switch active, you can attempt to cancel it using abort switch.
switch active requires “sa” permission.
abort switch, admin logical_status, create logical connection, wait for switch