A function replication definition specifies information about a stored procedure that is to be replicated.
Create a function replication definition in the Replication Server that manages the primary database.
The function replication definition includes:
A name for the function replication definition.
The location of the primary data.
The names and datatypes of the stored procedure parameters to be replicated.
The function replication definition can optionally include:
The name of the stored procedure executed in the source database and the name of the stored procedure to be executed in the destination database, if the stored procedure name is different from the name of the function replication definition.
The names of parameters that can be referenced in where clauses for subscriptions.
Whether the function replication definition and its parameters will be used in replicating to a standby database.
Use these commands to work with function replication definitions:
create applied function replication definition – creates an applied function replication definition for a stored procedure.
alter applied function replication definition – changes an applied function replication definition.
create request function replication definition – creates a request function replication definition for a stored procedure.
alter request function replication definition – changes a request function replication definition.
drop function replication definition – removes a function replication definition.
No data is distributed when you create a function replication definition. You must create stored procedures in both the primary and replicate databases, and you must create a subscription at the replicate Replication Server.
See “Subscription commands” for commands that you use in subscribing to replication definitions.