

Displays information about publication subscriptions and article subscriptions.


rs_helppubsub subscription_name, publication_name, primary_dataserver, 
	primary_db, replicate_dataserver, replicate_db


Example 1

Lists all publication subscriptions known at this site:

Subscription Name        Publication Name  
------------------       ----------------
funcsub1                 funcpub   
Primary DS.DB         Replicate DS.DB      PRS Status    RRS Status
--------------        ---------------      ----------    ----------
P_DS.pdb1             R_DS.rdb1            Unknown       Valid

Owner    Request Date          
------   ------------------- 
sa       Mar 24 2007 11:12AM  
(1 row affected)

Subscription Name               Article Name      Replication Definition
------------------              -------------     ----------------------
funcsub1                        authors           authors
PRS Status     RRS Status     Request Date            Autocorrection
----------     -----------    -------------------     --------------
Unknown        Valid          Mar 24 2007 11:11AM     off

Subscribe to Truncate Table    Dynamic SQL
---------------------------    -----------
Unknown                        On
(1 row affected, return status = 0)

Example 2

Lists all publication subscriptions named sub.

rs_helppubsub sub

Example 3

Lists all publication subscriptions named sub for publications named pub.

rs_helppubsub sub, pub

Example 4

Lists all subscriptions named sub for the specified publication.

rs_helppubsub sub, pub, primary_dataserver, primary_db

Example 5

Lists the publication subscription and the article subscriptions in the group.

rs_helppubsub sub, pub, primary_dataserver, primary_db, replicate_dataserver, replicate_db
Subscription Name     Publication Name     Primary DS.DB  
 -----------------    ----------------     ----------------
 sub                  pub                  ost_cardhu_2.pdb1
 Replicate DS.DB      PRS Status     RRS Status     Owner
 -----------------    ----------     ----------     ---------
 ost_cardhu_2.rdb1    Unknown        Valid          rdb1_owner
 Request Date         Subscription Name     Article Name
 ----------------     -----------------     ------------
 February 25 1998     sub                   article1
                      sub                   article3
                      sub                   article4
                      sub                   article5
 PRS Status   RRS Status   Request Date   Replication Definition
 ----------   ----------   ------------   ----------------------
 Unknown      VALID        Feb 25, 1998   repdef1
 Unknown      VALID        Feb 25, 1998   repdef3
 Unknown      VALID        Feb 25, 1998   repdef4
 Unknown      VALID        Feb 25, 1998   repdef5
 Autocorrection   Subscribe to Truncate Table    Dynamic SQL
 --------------   ---------------------------    -----------
 on               off                            on
 off              on                             on
 off              off                            on
 off              off                            on


See also
