Dumps Replication Server stacks.
sysadmin dump_thread_stack [, module_name]
The type of Replication Server thread. The valid module names are the same as the values under the name column displayed by the admin who command.
Dumps the RSI queue stack:
sysadmin dump_thread_stacks, RSI
T. 2006/10/23 15:37:39. (259): RS Thread Type = 'RSI' T. 2006/10/23 15:37:39. (259): RS Thread State = 'Awaiting Wakeup' T. 2006/10/23 15:37:39. (259): RS Thread Info = 'ost_columbia_02' T. 2006/10/23 15:37:39. (259): Open Server Process ID: 50, SRV_PROC address 0xed79c8 T. 2006/10/23 15:37:39. (259): Start of stack trace for spid 50. T. 2006/10/23 15:37:39. (259): Native thread #70, FramePointer: 0xfe34f050 T. 2006/10/23 15:37:39. (259): 0x00362fc8 sqm_read_message (0x3345ed0, 0xfe34fdf4, 0xea60, 0x0, 0xfe34fdf0, 0x47105f0) +0x48 T. 2006/10/23 15:37:39. (259): 0x00300908 _rsi_sender_wrapper (0x30c390, 0x30c230, 0x476f1f0, 0x47105f0, 0x1f2, 0x47105f0) +0x2f28 T. 2006/10/23 15:37:39. (259): 0x002fe960 _rsi_sender_wrapper (0x1d794f0, 0xffffd8f1, 0x268d14, 0xffffd800, 0x800, 0x0) +0xf80 T. 2006/10/23 15:37:39. (259): 0x0054dabc srv__start_function (0xed79c8, 0x0, 0x800, 0x862a04, 0x0, 0x0) +0x1c0 T. 2006/10/23 15:37:39. (259): 0xff265d48 _resume_ret (0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) +0x2d0 T. 2006/10/23 15:37:39. (259): End of stack trace for spid 50. T. 2006/10/23 15:37:39. (259):
Use sysadmin dump_thread_stack to check the internal processes of Replication Server when Replication Server is unusually slow.
sysadmin dump_thread_stack is available for these platforms:
Sun Solaris
sysadmin dump_thread_stack requires “sa” permission.
srv_dbg_stack() in Open Server Server-Library/C Reference Manual