Suspends a component in a specified server. The command suspends a DSI thread, a route in a Replication Server, or a RepAgent thread in Adaptive Server Enterprise.
suspend {dsi | rep agent | route} component_name for {server_name | group_name} [with nowait]
Specifies the component type to suspend.
Specifies the name of the component to suspend. The component is a database name if you are suspending a RepAgent thread in an Adaptive Server Enterprise. Otherwise, the component is a connection or route name.
Specifies the name of either a Replication Server or an Adaptive Server Enterprise that contains the component.
Specifies the name of a group. Each component in the group is suspended.
Suspends the component immediately without waiting for the executing operation to complete.
Suspends the DSI thread for the connection “inventory_pds.vendor” in the Replication Server INVENTORY_RS, without waiting for the current operation to complete:
suspend dsi inventory_pds.vendor for INVENTORY_RS with nowait
Suspends the Replication Agent thread for the connection “inventory_pds.vendor” in the Replication Server named INVENTORY_RS:
suspend rep agent inventory_pds.vendor for INVENTORY_RS
Stops the RepAgent thread for the database vendor in the Adaptive Server Enterprise named INVENTORY_PDS:
suspend rep agent vendor for INVENTORY_PDS
The rep agent component type is used to suspend either a Replication Agent thread for a connection in a Replication Server, or a RepAgent thread in an Adaptive Server Enterprise.
The with nowait option is valid with a Replication Server DSI connection or an Adaptive Server Enterprise RepAgent thread.
suspend component issues the sp_stop_rep_agent stored procedure when suspending a RepAgent thread in an Adaptive Server Enterprise.
suspend component returns the following result set:
Column |
Description |
Action |
The name of the action. |
Result |
The result of the execution. |
configure component, get component, get threads, resume component