Removes a trigger that the RMS is monitoring. A trigger identifies a process or script that is executed by the RMS. Set triggers up using the add trigger command.
drop {status | latency | size} trigger [{connection | logical connection | route | queue | rep agent | partition} [component_name]] [with primary primary_connection] for server_name {status changes to state | size {exceeds | falls below} size_threshold | latency {exceeds | falls below} latency_threshold}
Specifies the type of trigger.
Specifies the type of component.
Specifies the name of the component. Components are monitored objects within a server. Replication Server components are connections, logical connections, routes, queues, and partitions; Adaptive Server Enterprise components are RepAgent threads.
Identifies the primary connection of the latency connection trigger to drop. This parameter is required when dropping a latency connection.
Specifies the name of the server for which the trigger is defined that is being dropped.
Specifies the state of the event trigger that is being dropped. See Appendix C, “RMS Server and Component States” for state information.
Indicates the size trigger to drop.
Indicates the latency trigger to drop.
Removes the “DOWN” status trigger for the server INVENTORY_RS:
drop status trigger for INVENTORY_RS status changes to DOWN
Removes the “SUSPENDED” status trigger for the connection “inventory_pds.pdb1” of server INVENTORY_RS:
drop status trigger connection inventory_pds.pdb1 for inventory_rs status changes to SUSPENDED
Drops a partition size trigger:
drop size trigger partition p1 for INVENTORY_RS size exceeds 80
Drops a latency connection trigger:
drop latency trigger connection inventory_rds.vendor with primary inventory_pds.ventory for INVENTORY_RS latency exceeds 300
drop trigger returns the following result set:
Column |
Description |
Action |
The name of the action |
Result |
The result of the execution |