The binary datatypes are:
binary(n) – up to 32,768 bytes of fixed-length binary data. The binary datatypes are used for storing programming code or pictures, not for numeric values. Specify the maximum byte length of the value with n. A binary value can contain 0 bytes, but n must be between 1 and 32,768.
varbinary(n) – up to 32,768 bytes of variable-length binary data. The varbinary datatypes are used for storing programming code or pictures, not for numeric values. Specify the maximum byte length of the value with n. A varbinary value can contain 0 bytes, but n must be between 1 and 32,768.
The difference between binary and varbinary data is the way the values are stored in Adaptive Server databases. Replication Server treats them as equivalent types, but maintains the distinction so that the storage method is the same in primary and replicate databases.
rawobject in row – 255 bytes of variable-length binary data. The rawobject in row datatype is used to store serialized Java values within the data pages allocated to the table.
Replication Server handles rawobject in row data exactly as it handles varbinary data. The base datatype for rawobject in row is varbinary(255). See also “Java datatypes”.
rawobject large in row – 32,768 bytes of variable-length binary data. The rawobject large in row datatype is used to store serialized Java values within the data pages allocated to the table.
Replication Server handles rawobject large in row data the same as it handles varbinary data. The base datatype for rawobject large in row is varbinary(32768). See also “Java datatypes”.
image – variable-length binary columns up to 2,147,483,647 bytes in length.
Replication Server 15.1 supports datatype conversion between LOB datatypes such as text, unitext, and image datatypes with text pointer and text, unitext, and image datatypes without text pointer.
rawobject – variable-length binary columns up to 2,147,483,647 bytes in length. The rawobject datatype is used to store serialized Java values. Replication Server does not support datatype conversion of rawobject data. This means if your replication definition declares a column as rawobject, the primary table’s column must be rawobject.
Replication Server handles rawobject data exactly as it handles image data. The base datatype for rawobject is image. See also “Java datatypes”.