

Sends an insert, delete, or update command to the data servers so that transactions that were sent through a connection configured with rs_set_non_blocking_commit are saved to disk.


Example 1

Creates an instance of an rs_set_non_blocking_commit_flush function string for Adaptive Server:

create function string rs_set_non_blocking_commit_flush
         for sqlserver_derived_class
         output language
         ‘set delayed_commit off; begin tran; update rs_lastcommit set
         origin_time = getdate() where origin = 0; commit tran; 
         set delayed_commit on’

Example 2

Creates an instance of an rs_set_non_blocking_commit_flush function string for Oracle:

create function string rs_set_non_blocking_commit_flush
         for oracle_derived_class
         output language
         ‘alter session set commit_write = immediate; begin tran; 
         update rs_lastcommit set origin_time = getdate() where
         origin = 0; commit tran; alter session set commit_write = nowait’


See also
