get group


Returns a result set that contains either a list of the groups and a roll-up status for each group, or status of each server in a group and a roll-up status for the specified group. Roll-up status shows the lowest status reported; for example, if any server in a group is not UP, then the group status is reported as “SUSPECT”.


get group [group_name]



Specifies the name of the group for which to retrieve the list of servers.


Example 1

Returns a list of the groups names, and a roll-up status for each group:

get group
Group Name  State       State     Description               More        
            Constant                                        Descriptions
----------  --------    -------   ------------------------  ------------
group1      4           Suspect   inventory_rs1 is Suspect  False

Example 2

Returns the status of each list of server names that the group “inventory_mra” contains and a roll-up status for the group:

get group inventory_mra
Group Name     Server Name  Server Type         Last Monitored            
-------------  -----------  ------------------  --------------------      
inventory_mra  RAObeta      Replication Agent    12/16/2005 13:38:30      

Version String
Sybase Replication Agent for Unix & Windows/
JDK 1.4.2/main/5001/VM: Sun Microsystems Inc. 1.4.2_05/OPT/Wed May  4
02:42:07 MDT 2005

State Constant  State   Description                    More Descriptions
--------------  ------  -----------------------------  -------------------
6                Admin    Waiting for operator command.    false


See also

create group, delete group, get status descriptions