the titleauthor table shows the author ID, title ID, and royalty of titles by percentage.
titleauthor is defined as:
create table titleauthor (au_id id not null, title_id tid not null, au_ord tinyint null, royaltyper int null)
Its primary keys are au_id and title_id:
sp_primarykey titleauthor, au_id, title_id
Its title_id and au_id columns are foreign keys to titles and authors:
sp_foreignkey titleauthor, titles, title_id sp_foreignkey titleauthor, authors, au_id
Its nonclustered index for the au_id column is defined as:
create nonclustered index auidind on titleauthor(au_id)
Its nonclustered index for the title_id column is defined as:
create nonclustered index titleidind on titleauthor(title_id)
The following view uses titleauthor:
create view titleview as select title, au_ord, au_lname, price, total_sales, pub_id from authors, titles, titleauthor where authors.au_id = titleauthor.au_id and titles.title_id = titleauthor.title_id
The following procedure uses titleauthor:
create procedure byroyalty @percentage int as select au_id from titleauthor where titleauthor.royaltyper = @percentage