The general conversion function, convert, converts between a variety of datatypes and, for date and time information, specifies a new display format.
convert(datatype [(length) | (precision[, scale])] [null | not null], expression [, style ] )
This example uses convert in the select list:
select title, convert(char(5), total_sales) from titles where type = "trad_cook"
title ------------------------------------ ----- Onions, Leeks, and Garlic: Cooking Secrets of the Mediterranean 375 Fifty Years in Buckingham Palace Kitchens 15096 Sushi, Anyone? 4095 (3 rows affected)
Certain datatypes expect either a length or a precision and scale. If you do not specify a length, SAP ASE uses the default length of 30 for character and binary data. If you do not specify a precision or scale, SAP ASE uses the defaults of 18 and 0, respectively.