Date and Time
The SAP ASE datatypes used to store date and time information include datetime, smalldatetime, date, time, bigdatetime, and bigtime.
binary, varbinary, and image
When you enter binary, varbinary, or image data as literals, you must precede the data with “0x”. For example, to enter “FF”, type “0xFF”. Do not, however, enclose data beginning with “0x” with quotation marks.
money and smallmoney
Monetary values entered with the E notation are interpreted as float. This may cause an entry to be rejected or to lose some of its precision when it is stored as a money or smallmoney value.
float, real, and double precision
Enter approximate numeric types—float, real, and double precision—as a mantissa followed by an optional exponent.
decimal and numeric
The exact numeric types—dec, decimal, and numeric—begin with an optional positive or negative sign and can include a decimal point.The value of exact numeric data depends on the column’s decimal precision and scale.
Integer Types and Their Unsigned Counterparts
You can insert numeric values into bigint, int, smallint, tinyint, unsigned bigint, unsigned int, and unsigned smallint columns with the E notation.
You cannot insert data into a timestamp column. You must either insert an explicit null by typing NULL in the column, or use an implicit null by providing a column list that skips the timestamp column.