Subqueries with any and all

The keywords all and any can modify comparison operators that introduce a subquery.

When any is used with <, >, or = with a subquery, it returns results when any value retrieved in the subquery matches the value in the where or having clause of the outer statement.

When all is used with < or > in a subquery, it returns results when all values retrieved in the subquery match the value in the where or having clause of the outer statement.

The syntax for any and all is:

{where | having} [not] 
	expression comparison_operator {any | all} (subquery) 
Using the > comparison operator as an example:

If you introduce a subquery with all and a comparison operator does not return any values, the entire query fails.

all and any can be tricky. For example, you might ask “Which books commanded an advance greater than any book published by New Age Books?”

You can paraphrase this question to make its SQL “translation” more clear: “Which books commanded an advance greater than the largest advance paid by New Age Books?” The all keyword, not the any keyword, is required here:

select title 
from titles 
where advance > all 
   (select advance 
    from publishers, titles 
    where titles.pub_id = publishers.pub_id 
    and pub_name = "New Age Books") 
The Gourmet Microwave 

For each title, the outer query gets the titles and advances from the titles table, and it compares these to the advance amounts paid by New Age Books returned from the subquery. The outer query looks at the largest value in the list and determines whether the title being considered has commanded an even greater advance.