The where clause in a select statement specifies the search conditions that determine which rows are retrieved.
select select_list from table_list where search_conditions
Comparison operators (=, <, >, and so on)
where advance * 2 > total_sales * price
Ranges (between and not between)
where total_sales between 4095 and 12000
Lists (in, not in)
where state in ("CA", "IN", "MD")
Character matches (like and not like)
where phone not like "415%"
Unknown values (is null and is not null)
where advance is null
Combinations of search conditions (and, or)
where advance < 5000 or total_sales between 2000 and 2500
Join conditions
where x != 0 and y = 10 or z = 100
SAP ASE may not evaluate and execute x != 0 first.
For more information on search conditions, see the Reference Manual: Commands.