In the create procedure statement, you can declare null as the default value for individual parameters:
create procedure procedure_name @param datatype [ = null ] [, @param datatype [ = null ]]...
If the user does not supply a parameter, Adaptive Server executes the stored procedure without displaying an error message.
The procedure definition can specify an action be taken if the user does not give a parameter, by checking to see that the parameter’s value is null. Here is an example:
create procedure showind3 @table varchar(30) = null as if @table is null print "Please give a table name." else select table_name =, index_name =, index_id = indid from sysindexes, sysobjects where = @table and =
If the user does not give a parameter, Adaptive Server prints the message from the procedure on the screen.
For other examples of setting the default to null, examine the source text of system procedures using sp_helptext.