Comparison operators in where clauses

For the purposes of comparison, trailing blanks are ignored. For example, “Dirk” is the same as “Dirk ”. In comparing dates, < means earlier than, and > means later than. Place apostrophes or quotation marks around all char, nchar, unichar, unitext, varchar, nvarchar, univarchar, text, and date/time data:

select * 
from titleauthor 
where royaltyper < 50 

select authors.au_lname, authors.au_fname 
from authors 
where au_lname > "McBadden" 

select au_id, phone 
from authors 
where phone != "415 658-9932" 

select title_id, newprice = price * 1.15 
from  pubs2..titles 
where advance > 5000 

For more information on entering date and time data, see Chapter 7, “Adding, Changing, Transferring, and Deleting Data.”

not negates an expression. Either of the following two queries finds all business and psychology books that have advances of less than 5500. Note the difference in position between the negative logical operator (not) and the negative comparison operator (!>).

select title_id, type, advance 
from titles 
where (type = "business" or type = "psychology") 
and not advance >5500
select title_id, type, advance 
from titles 
where (type = "business" or type = "psychology") 
and advance !>5500 

Both return the same result set:

title_id  type             advance 
--------  ------------    -------- 
BU1032    business        5,000.00 
BU1111    business        5,000.00 
BU7832    business        5,000.00 
PS2091    psychology      2,275.00 
PS3333    psychology      2,000.00 
PS7777    psychology      4,000.00 
(6 rows affected)