Multi-table views

This restriction determines what types of modifications you can make through views that join columns from multiple tables. Adaptive Server prohibits delete statements on multi-table views, but allows update and insert statements that would not be allowed in other systems.

You can insert or update a multi-table view if:

For example, consider the following view, which includes columns from both titles and publishers and has no with check option clause:

create view multitable_view
as select title, type, titles.pub_id, state
from titles, publishers
where titles.pub_id = publishers.pub_id

A single insert or update statement can specify values either for the columns from titles or for the column from publishers:

update multitable_view
set type = "user_friendly"
where type = "popular_comp"

However, this statement fails because it affects columns from both titles and publishers:

update multitable_view
set type = "cooking_trad",
state = "WA"
where type = "trad_cook"