Check the following to make sure that your Replication Manager installation is valid and successful:
View the $SYBASE/RMP-15_5/InstallAndRegister.log file and also view all logs in $SYBASE/log to check for errors. A valid installation does not contain the word “error.”
Ensure that the date of the si_reg.xml file reflects the date of the current installation.
Ensure that you can access Replication Manager from Sybase Central.
For information about using Sybase Central, the Replication Manager, and the Replication Manager plug-in online help, see Chapter 3, “Managing Replication Server with Sybase Central” in the Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 1.
Before you use the Replication Manager, make sure that
the Replication Manager is registered with Sybase Central. See the “Preparing to
manage a replication environment” section in the Replication
Manager plug-in online help for information.