Review Installation Contents for SAP jConnect

Contents listed after completing the SAP jConnect installation.


For SAP jConnect version 16.0, the following packages are found inside the jconn4.jar file of the release build, and thejconn4d.jar file of the debug build:

The SAP jConnect driver, com.sybase.jdbc4.jdbc.SybDriver, is located in the com.sybase.jdbc4.jdbc package.

Directories and Files

These directories are created in $SYBASE (UNIX platforms) or %SYBASE% (Microsoft Windows) when you install SAP jConnect:

Directories and Files in the jConnect-16_0 Directory
Name Type Description
classes Subdirectory Contains these SAP jConnect 16.0 components:
  • jconn4.jar file that contains SAP jConnect 16.0 classes
  • sample2 subdirectory with SAP jConnect 16.0 class files for sample applets and applications
  • gateway2 subdirectory for compiled TDS-tunnelling servlet
devclasses Subdirectory Contains the jconn4d.jar file that contains the same SAP jConnect 16.0 components as jconn4.jar, but debug mode is turned on.
docs Subdirectory Contains the en subdirectory, which contains the English javadoc documentation.
gateway2 Subdirectory Contains source code for the TDS-tunnelling servlet.
sample2 Subdirectory Contains source code for sample Java applications.
sp Subdirectory Contains isql scripts that install stored procedures for function escapes and DatabaseMetaData methods on a database server. See Installing Stored Procedures for a list of scripts available.
tools Subdirectory Contains a perl script (decode-tli) that UNIX or Microsoft Windows users can apply to parse an interfaces (UNIX platforms) or sql.ini (Microsoft Windows) file into a readable format.
index.html HTML file Contains links to SAP jConnect documentation and SAP jConnect samples.
netimpct.gif Graphic file Contains a SAP jConnect graphic.
version.txt Text file Contains the SAP jConnect version string.
Directories and Files in jutils-3_0\ribo Directory
Name Type Description
doc Subdirectory Contains the Ribo Users Guide.
Ribo Shell script An executable file that starts the Ribo application.
Ribo.bat MS-DOS batch file A Microsoft Windows batch file that starts the Ribo application.
ribo.jar JAR file Contains the Java classes that implement Ribo.

JDBC Samples and Specifications

You can find JDBC samples and specifications in the SAP jConnect for JDBC Programmers Reference.

Related tasks
Running Stored Procedure Installation Scripts