deploy (4)


These are the command-line options for deploying J2EE Web services.


Command line:

[-contextpath path]

Ant build file:

<taskdef name="wst_antTask" classname="com.sybase.wst.wstool.ant.AntTask"/>
<target name="deploy" > <wst_antTask command="deploy"
entity =“file” >





There are three ws options that define how a Web service is exposed:

  • -ws – expose any Stateless Session Beans with a Remote Interface as a Web service.

  • -ws:<ejbName> – expose the Stateless Session Bean ejbName as a Web service.

  • -ws:<jarFileInEar>:<ejbName> – expose the Stateless Session Bean ejbName located in an application EAR file jarFileInEar as a Web service.


Use this syntax to specify the address (in the WSDL file) to which a client is referring:

-wsClientAddress:<serviceRefName>: <portComponentName> <address>


Use this syntax to specify the context path for an EJB Web service in an application EAR file:


Use this syntax to specify the context path for an EJB Web Service:

-wsContextPath <contextpath>


Specify the endpoint address URI for an EJB Web service using this syntax:

-wsEndpointAddressURI <ejbName>:<endpoint-address-uri>

Specify the endpoint address URI for an EJB Web service in an Application EAR file using this syntax:

-wsEndpointAddressURI:<jarFileInEar>:<ejbName>: <endpoint-address-uri>


Specify the Web service style ( DOCUMENT, RPC or WRAPPED) of the generated WSDL binding used when exposing an EJB as a Web service using this syntax:

-wsStyle <style>

Specify the Web service style ( DOCUMENT, RPC or WRAPPED) of the generated WSDL binding used when exposing an EJB as a Web service contained in an application EAR file using this syntax:



Specify the use (LITERAL or ENCODED) of items in the generated WSDL binding when exposing an EJB as a Web service using this syntax:

-wsUse <use>

Specify the use (LITERAL or ENCODED) of items in the generated WSDL binding when exposing an EJB as a Web service in an application EAR file using this syntax:



Override the default name for the Web application generated from an EJB Web Service using this syntax:

-wsWebAppName <webappname>

Override default name for the Web application generated from an EJB Web Service in an application EAR file using this syntax:



The file that you are deploying. entity should be located in the current directory, or provide the full path using the contextpath option.


Specify the contextPath for Web application deployment. The default is the name of the WAR file. If -package is specified, then the package is the context path.


Example 1

This example deploys the Web service collection contained in the MyWebServiceCollection.war file:

wstool deploy MyWebServiceCollection.war

Ant build example:

<wst_antTask command="deploy" entity="d:\wstool\test\deploy\collection.war"/>