Like SAP ASE, Backup Server creates an error log if one does not already exist.
Specify the location of the error log at start-up with the error_log_file parameter in the runserver file or at the command line. The SAP installer configures the runserver file with $SYBASE/install as the location of the error log if you do not choose an alternate location during installation. If you do not specify the location in the runserver file or at the command line, the location of the error log is the directory from which you start Backup Server. Use the backupserver -V option (bcksvr -V on Windows) to limit the messages printed to the error log. See the sections describing Backup Server in the Utility Guide.
MMM DD YYY: Backup Server:N.N.N.N: Message Text
Backup Server message numbers consist of four integers separated by periods, in the form N.N.N.N. Messages in the form N.N.N are sent by Open Server.
1 – system errors.
2 – Open Server event errors.
3 – Backup Server remote procedure call errors.
4 – I/O service layer errors.
5 – network data transfer errors.
6 – volume-handling errors.
7 – option-parsing errors.
Major error categories 1– 6 may result from Backup Server internal errors or a variety of system problems. Major errors in category 7 are almost always due to problems in the options you specified in your dump or load command.
minor numbers are assigned in order within a major category.
1 – informational, no user action necessary.
2, 3 – an unexpected condition, possibly fatal to the session, has occurred. The error may have occurred with usage, environment, or internal logic, or any combination of these factors.
4 – an unexpected condition, fatal to the execution of the Backup Server, has occurred. The Backup Server must exit immediately.
state codes have a one-to-one mapping to instances of the error report within the code. If you need to contact Technical Support about Backup Server errors, the state code helps determine the exact cause of the error.