All SAP ASE error messages use the same format.
instance_ID:thread_ID:family_ID:spid date time {server | kernel} message
instance_ID – the instance running in a clustered environment. This value is 00 if SAP ASE is running in a nonclustered environment.
thread_ID – the thread on which the error occured. Always apears as a four-digit number (for example, 10 is shown as 0010).
In serial processing, you see 00000.
In parallel processing, you see the server process ID number of the parent of the originating thread.
In serial processing, this is the server process ID number of the thread that generated the message. If the thread is a system task, the spid value is 00000.
In parallel processing, you see the server process ID number of the originating thread.
date – appeared in the format yyyy/mm/dd, which allows you to sort error messages by date.
time – shown in 24-hour format, which includes seconds and hundredths of a second.
server | kernel – this entry is for use only by SAP Technical Support.
message – the error message
00:0024:00000:00000:2010/04/27 10:28:07.82 kernel Thread 24 (LWP 24390) of Threadpool syb_default_pool online as engine 0
instance_ID = 0 – the server is not configured for a clustered environment
thread_ID = 0024 – SAP ASE brought engine 0 online as thread number 24.
family_ID = 00000 – the process is running in serial mode.
spid = 00000 – this is a system task.
date and time = 2010/04/27 10:28:07.82.
server | kernel = kernel.