SAP ASE includes global variables that display information about languages and character sets.
@@langid – contains the local language ID of the language currently in use (specified in syslanguages.langid)
@@language – contains the name of the language currently in use (specified in
@@char_convert – contains 0 if character set conversion is not in effect. Contains 1 if character set conversion is in effect.
@@client_csname – the client’s character set name. Set to NULL if client character set has never been initialized; otherwise, contains the name of the character set for the connection.
@@client_csid – the client’s character set ID. Set to -1 if client character set has never been initialized; otherwise, contains the client character set ID from syscharsets for the connection.
@@client_csexpansion – returns the expansion factor used when converting from server's character set to client's character set.
@@maxcharlen – the maximum length, in bytes, of a character in the SAP ASE default character set.
@@ncharsize – the maximum length, in bytes, of a character set in the current server default character set.
@@unicharsize – equals 2.
See Reference Manual: Building Blocks > Global Variables for a list of all global variables.